Sublime Text Workflow

Sublime Text is a fully extensible editor, with a full open source community behind it which add an almost unlimited amount of additional features.

Package Control

The first thing to do after installing SublimeText (preferably version 3), is adding package control to the console. Assuming you downloaded v3, goto View –> Console, and copy and paste the following into Sublime’s console:

Add Package Control to Sublime Text 3
import urllib.request,os; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); open(os.path.join(ipp, pf), 'wb').write(urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ','%20')).read())

After installation, restart SublimeText, and interact with package control by opening the Command Pallete (ctrl+shift+p), and begin typing ‘package control’.

I’ve found it easier to remap the Command Pallete to CMD+`. You can do the same by overriding the system key bindings by choosing Preferences > Key Bindings – User,

{ "keys": ["super+`"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "command_palette"} },


I found SublimeGit less than a week ago on HackerNews, it’s a complete replacement for interacting with Git via a terminal. Instead all Git operations are now available thru SublimeText’s terminal, with hot keys to manage the project.

I would certainly recommend reviewing the SublimeGit Documentationn prior to starting. The only dependencies are that Sublime Text & Git are installed.


The one shortcoming of SublimeGit is it’s inability to show the internal changes to a file, queue GitGutter.


Dashdoc, is fantastic syntax aware OSX Documentation manager. With this SublimeText DashDoc plugin, simply select any built in class/function/method etc and hit ‘Ctrl-H’, and DashDoc will instantly bring up the official documentation (in the correct language). With DashDoc the documentation stored locally making it a much faster lookup system than google or stackoverflow.

Highlight Whitespaces

Simply toggles on/off a highlighting of whitespace, quick easy way to compare spaces & tabs.


I’ve found that PlainTasks has been a very efficient way of keeping track of tasks and research in Sublime. It’s very simple (as well as readable in any text editor), colon’s create nestable topics, CMD+Enter creates tasks, and CMD+D marks them as done. There are a few additional features however I like PlainTasks for it’s simplicity, as well as its readability for users w/o Plaintasks.


SublimeText’s GUI is also completely customizable, this is an individual preference, however I would suggest trying out any of the ‘Top 100’ themes’. The most upto date themes provide higher DPI retnia support. I use the Nil Theme.